Recruitment agency PA Online for PA´s

Are you CEO, CFO, CIO or CRO still arranging your schedule, mails, administration and internal and external communication yourself ?

Go back to doing business and have your new PA assist you.

Believe us, it’s cheaper!

Think about it, an experienced PA assists you in:

Do not waste your time in doing administration and trying to get your meetings organized.

Do what you were hired to do – do business.

Need advice?  >>

Need advice on PA’s?

Just contact us. We’re happy to help.

Or call

+31 20 7005007 or +31 10 7982488

Finding your matching PA?

Swift placement possible

Matching your situation

Experienced PA's
Happy clients
Successful placements

Why do our clients choose PA Online?

PA Online's Office Manager, the allround support in your office

Our network of experienced PA’s (top 5%)

Our Personal Assistants have an extensive experience in the profit and non profit sectors. They are reliable, integer, loyal and present themselves well. Many speak several languages and hardly need an induction period.

Recruiters with years of experience and PA background

Our consultants themselves have been international Personal Assistants. Thus know their trade, both as a PA and as a recruiter. We do know our PA’s and Management Assistants as well as their skills. We do not send out resumes without know our candidates. 

PA van PA Online bellend

Fast placement possible (follow up 1-2 hours)

PA Online reacts fast, even faster on urgencies. Since ‘urgent’ means today, we react within 1-2 hours. You do too, don’t you? We are almost 24/7 reachable. So, if you realize on Saturday that you need a PA the coming Monday, let us know!

Find your ideal Personal Assistant fast without endless interviews

PA Online’s personal approach

In secondment

Are you looking for a top 5% PA to assist you for a longer period of time? If so, choose for in secondment. Our experienced PA’s are full-time as well as part-time available.


Are you looking for a top 5% PA to hire directly? Allow us to do the recruitment for you, saving you both time and money. Your PA starts on a labour contract with your company. 

What do our clients say about PA Online?

Jules de Vet
Jules de VetAlgemeen directeur Pantar
"Je hebt goede directiesecretaresses en je hebt heel goede directiesecretaresses. Daarboven is nog een categorie: Laura. Bovendien: je hebt goede PA’s en je hebt heel goede PA’s: en opnieuw is daarboven de groep Laura. Kortom, wat een topper!"
Raymon van der Velde
Raymon van der VeldeEigenaar EclecticQ
"Working with Franziska (PAOnline) to find a good candidate was refreshing. She truly understands the value of a great PA and appreciates the human factor in doing business."
Mario van den Broek
Mario van den BroekPartner RSM Belastingadviseurs
"Ik vind de enorme betrokkenheid van PA Online de basis voor onze prettige samenwerking. Bijna 24 uur per dag kun je terecht met vragen of opmerkingen in de zoektocht naar een goede secretaresse of Personal Assistant. Excellente service gekoppeld aan een pool van sterke kandidaten maken dat PA Online de partij is om zaken mee te doen en ik zal zeker terugkeren als wij weer een dringende behoefte aan goede mensen hebben."
Simon Slooten
Simon SlootenFounder Prisma IT
"Ik ben erg blij met Kimberley. De samenwerking gaat goed en ze neemt nu al veel werk uit handen. Dank voor jullie bemiddeling."
Deutsche Post
The Bank of NY Mellon
Stork Technical Services
Kuhne + Nagel
Bridgekeeper Financial Services

Find your ideal Personal Assistant and save, also on induction period